Friday, June 26, 2015

KGSAAS - 26th June 2015

Ramadan is a great time for getting good golfing deals and KGSAAS were offering a Ramadan rate of RM110 inclusive of green fees, buggy and caddy .... good deal .... but even better their Senior Rate was RM93 for green fees, buggy and caddy ..... so 8 of us seniors got our round of golf for under RM100 on an excellent course.

Furthermore the place was empty ..... we did not see anyone else playing till we were on about the 6th or 7th hole so it was like we had the course to ourselves.

Weather was excellent and the course was in great shape - the greens very good. Our 2 flights got around in about 4 hours and then has lunch at the excellent Chinese Restaurant at the club. Robert Mulliss kindly paid for the drinks as penance for him reaching 3 Rotten Egg Awards - thank you Robert.


Some good scores today with Peter Davies winning overall with a gross of 93 and 40 points. Runner up was Robert Mulliss breaking 100 and 39 points. Best gross was John Laidley with 85. Full results below:

Rotten Egg Award

We had a few nominations today over lunch including Robert Mulliss for losing his marker as he marked a ball on the green, Peter & Stuart for sniggering (at Robert Mulliss) but the outright winner agreed by all was for Erol Akinci for managing to putt his ball through the legs of Mike Smith as Mike was lining up to putt.


Friday, June 19, 2015

Templar Park - 19th June 2015

4 Eggers managed to play Templer Park today, a big thanks to Tony Morris who took charge of the day and for compiling an excellent report.

A good day out albeit a bit slow 4 1/2 hours. We got off in good time, just after 8am

Course was in great shape which is more than can be said for the level of golf played. Brian took the initial lead, looking as though he was on fire but soon burnt out. Glen then  took control from the 4th hole until the 7th when Brian took charge again. Tony and Hans  playing real crap for the whole of the 1st nine.

The 2nd 9, Tony found some golf and managed to match Brian's stable-ford by the 12th hole.

Tony getting in front for the 1st time on the 14th hole. Only to be squared again with Brian on the 15th.

On the 16th par 3 (18 index) Brian pulled ahead with a 4 for 2, beating Tony's 4 for 1 (Bastard)

17th Par 4 (index 4) Brian goes up one more for his 5 for 3 against Tony's calculated 5 for 2.  (Bastard)

18th hole par 4 index 8. Brian has a 2 shot lead and an extra stroke in hand. Big black  cloud overhead and starting to rain)  Hans and Glen play to the right.

Tony takes on the lake and crosses comfortably!!!! Brian takes on the lake and drops short in the water. Brian takes his next shot from the dropping zone, into the green side bunker.

The tension mounts and the rain pisses down, our flight is running around like chickens with  their heads cut off trying to get that little white ball in the last hole before getting completely  drowned!

To cut a long story short. Tony pars the 18th for 3 points and Brian blows the hole with an 8!!

Glen played slightly worse on the back nine than the first, while Hans after getting 5 points on  the first could only do better on the back nine (12 points)

Final scores:

1st.  Tony Morris:         96 - 29.  (10 + 19).   H/c 17
2nd. Brian Stubbs:     106 - 28.  (14 + 14).  H/c. 26
3rd.  Glen Wombwell: 115 - 20.  (12 +  8).   H/c  27
4th.  Hans Berger:      111 - 17.  ( 5  + 12).  H/c. 20

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Rahman Putra - 12th June 2015

7 Eggers took to The Hills course at Rahman Putra.  Check in was a nightmare and took 20 minutes.  This was because at the time of booking to take advantage of the senior rate I was told that all players need to provide any proof of age i.e passport, however upon check in the club would only accept MM2H or a Malay ID card.  Finally the supervisor arrived and agreed on this occasion the club would accept a Malaysian issued driving licence (which had no proof of age) or an id that was issued in Malaysia.  We were about to tee off 45 minutes late (check in and rain delay) when we told that we had to pay for 4 caddies 1 per buggy.  Having negotiated down to only 2 caddies (both absolutely useless) we eventually got on our way.  

We played the Hills course not the Lakes course but it felt like the Lakes as most holes had water to negotiate and on some holes more than one water hazard.  The course itself was in good condition but very challenging due to the tight fairways and plenty of bunkers and water.

In our flight we had a buggy v buggy competition to see who would pay for the caddy and as predicted Robert ‘Red Indian Blood’ Mulliss was loosing badly by the 13th hole and started his rain dance and on the very next hole it started to rain.  We should automatically award him a rotten egg on the slightest mention of rain.


4 players managed to score 30 points or more this week with Peter eventually winning with 35 stableford points.  Second was Tony with 32 points and Brian with 31.  Lowest gross was Tony with 93.  

Lunch was again held at Heng Hin Seafood restaurant however this week we had no fish in the vegetable curry.

Rotten Egg Award


This weeks rotten eggs is awarded to Brian Stubbs.  This is because on the 18th hole Robert picked up a wedge from the green and asked if anyone was missing a wedge which he held up in his hand.  Sure enough we all said that we weren’t missing a club until Brian finally got to his golf bag and said he was missing his wedge.  On inspecting the club which Robert had found Brian finally admitted it was his club and didn’t recognise it as it belonged to his other set.  

Kundang Lakes - 5th June 2015

8 Eggers took to the mysterious Kungdang Lakes.  Check in was probably the quickest in Malaysia.  

8 golfers please, “sure that will be 8 x 70, thats 560 Ringgit please.”  Total time 48 seconds.

However finding a key that works for a locker if you were fortunate to have  a secure locker 8 minutes. 

We were also surprised that the price included a free drink of water or 100 plus.  For convenience we all opted for 100 plus but for some reason they gave us 2 bottles of 100 plus per player so we had a total of 1,600 plus.

The course was quiet therefore the round was quick and we were only held up by our bad shots and looking for out balls. The course was in reasonably good condition especially the greens.  For those who hadn’t played the course before, or only a few times or not for a long time found the layout challenging (so that was all of us) especially the one hole where a bunker went across the complete fairway.  All 4 golfers in our flight managed to drive into this bunker from hell.


This week result was very close and was won by Barry Sage with 35 stableford points and the lowest gross of 92.  Brian Stubbs was second with 34 points and equal third was Cameron McAinsh and Robert Mulliss with 33 points.

Lunch was at the nearby Heng Hin Seafood Restaurant and the drinks were paid kindly by Peter for having 3 rotten eggs, his total is now reset to zero.  Although this is a seafood restaurant we managed to order no seafood but to our surprise the vegetable curry has a fish in it including head and tail.

Rotten Egg Award

The award this week goes to Mike Smith for missing the turning to the course and subsequently turning up late despite having spent more time in KL than anyone else.

Finally what is the big mystery of Kungdang Lakes?

Is it because

- few people play this course despite being possible the best value for money 
- the buggy cost more than the green fee
- check in takes less than 1 minute
- 200 plus is given to each player
- there are no shower heads on most of the showers, just a pipe in the wall
- no one has seriously been injured grossing from the 9th to the 10th hole

No the real mystery is the crazy pricing for a round of golf.

Seri Selangor - 29th May 2015

7 Eggers took to the course today at Seri Selangor.  Check in was very smooth and we managed to move our tee time forward by 20 minutes to 8.10am.  However we also managed to lose 20 minutes whilst waiting on the tee box for 2 flights who were also waiting to tee off.  Result we teed off on time at 8.30am.

The course as usual was difficult with narrow fairways and plenty of water to negotiate which was reflected in the scores.  Robert made an effort not to mention the weather this week and we were all thankful as the weather remained dry.


 Only one player managed to play to handicap which was Peter Davies with 36 points, Second with 31 points was Tony Morris followed closely by Hans Berger on 30 points.

After the game all the golfers attended lunch at Pantai Seafood Restaurant which as usual didn’t disappoint with a well selected choice by Tony Morris.

Rotten Egg Award


The award this week goes to Peter Davies for managing to record a win and during the round not managing to reach the ladies red tee on not one but two separate occasion.  Maybe next week he will put a skirt in his golf bag and play off the red tees.

Monterez - 22nd May 2015

8 Eggers took to the course today at Monterez.  Check in process was efficient and we managed to tee off 15 minutes early.

Both flights teed off on hole 10 and on hole 11 Robert “I’ll tempt fate” Mulliss said how nice it is playing in the morning as we hardly have any rain when we play.  Within 5 minutes of his comment the skies darkened, and the heavens opened up.  This was promptly followed by the siren and we all took shelter for the next 20 minutes.

When play resumed the fairways were naturally drenched however the drainage on the course worked pretty well especially on the greens which were in particularly good condition.


Most players struggled on some of the holes due to the water but not the winner for the second week steady Zak with an impressive 38 stableford points and the lowest gross score of 88.  Second place with 33 points was fate tempter Robert with 33 points.

Rotten Egg Award


The weather seemed to have a calming influence on our behaviour and no one could offer a nomination for the day.  However on reflection one person nominated our leader for updating the handicap system whilst he should be relaxing on his cruise and not thinking about golf.  The nomination was then agreed and passed.