Friday, June 19, 2015

Templar Park - 19th June 2015

4 Eggers managed to play Templer Park today, a big thanks to Tony Morris who took charge of the day and for compiling an excellent report.

A good day out albeit a bit slow 4 1/2 hours. We got off in good time, just after 8am

Course was in great shape which is more than can be said for the level of golf played. Brian took the initial lead, looking as though he was on fire but soon burnt out. Glen then  took control from the 4th hole until the 7th when Brian took charge again. Tony and Hans  playing real crap for the whole of the 1st nine.

The 2nd 9, Tony found some golf and managed to match Brian's stable-ford by the 12th hole.

Tony getting in front for the 1st time on the 14th hole. Only to be squared again with Brian on the 15th.

On the 16th par 3 (18 index) Brian pulled ahead with a 4 for 2, beating Tony's 4 for 1 (Bastard)

17th Par 4 (index 4) Brian goes up one more for his 5 for 3 against Tony's calculated 5 for 2.  (Bastard)

18th hole par 4 index 8. Brian has a 2 shot lead and an extra stroke in hand. Big black  cloud overhead and starting to rain)  Hans and Glen play to the right.

Tony takes on the lake and crosses comfortably!!!! Brian takes on the lake and drops short in the water. Brian takes his next shot from the dropping zone, into the green side bunker.

The tension mounts and the rain pisses down, our flight is running around like chickens with  their heads cut off trying to get that little white ball in the last hole before getting completely  drowned!

To cut a long story short. Tony pars the 18th for 3 points and Brian blows the hole with an 8!!

Glen played slightly worse on the back nine than the first, while Hans after getting 5 points on  the first could only do better on the back nine (12 points)

Final scores:

1st.  Tony Morris:         96 - 29.  (10 + 19).   H/c 17
2nd. Brian Stubbs:     106 - 28.  (14 + 14).  H/c. 26
3rd.  Glen Wombwell: 115 - 20.  (12 +  8).   H/c  27
4th.  Hans Berger:      111 - 17.  ( 5  + 12).  H/c. 20

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