Friday, January 29, 2016

New Blog for FRID' Eggs

We have a new and refurbished blog site for FRID’ Eggs ….. the old site which was hosted by Blogger, was getting a little tired and needed a new design. I have moved the blog onto a new Wordpress site which is far more slicker, easier to update and offers greatly improved customisation.

The new site has been populated with all the old blog posts and photos so nothing has been lost and from now all FRID’ Eggs reports and notices will be posted on this new site.

The new URL for the Wordpress blogsite is :

Please update your bookmark so you can access this site from now on. 

Friday, January 22, 2016

KGSAAS - 22nd January 2016

8 Eggers played today at KGSAAS.  Check in was normal, slow and frustrating however we managed to tee off on time playing first the President 9 followed by the Alam Shah 9.  The fairways and greens were in very good condition and the weather was cool contributing to a very enjoyable round. Scoring was generally pretty good with most players managing to score 30 or more stableford points.  The winner on the day was Mike Smith with an excellent gross of 94 and 37 points followed closely by Greg on 36 points and Allan on 34 points.  Lowest gross was Richard with 89 shots.

Lunch was taken at the club (not the Chinese Restaurant upstairs) and the service and quality of food was generally satisfactory with a couple of exceptions.  Allan ordered the chicken curry potato dish and was most upset that it came without potatoes.  After several minutes of polite discussion between Allan and the staff regarding his missing potatoes Allan decided just to eat his chicken curry potato dish minus the potatoes.  Lunch was washed down with 6 jugs of beer thanks to the promotion of buy 2 jugs get 1 jug free.  After the bill was paid another jug was bought and paid for followed by another jug.  Andrew then asked for the free jug which was refused as the 2 jugs were paid on separate bills.  To refuse Andrew alcohol was a big mistake.  After 10 minutes of illogical conversation Andrew finally demanded to see the supervisor who eventually agreed to give us the free jug.  I think if Andrew carried on arguing he would have eventually found Allan’s missing potatoes. 

 Next weeks game as nominated by our winner is Kundang Lakes (just can’t get enough of this fabulous county club).

Friday, January 15, 2016

Kundang Lakes - 15th January 2016

8 Eggers played today for our normal quarterly fix at Kundang Lakes. Andrew made a good effort to be late by heading South towards Malacca but despite being on the road for over 1hour and 15 minutes still managed to register on time (guess he was determined not to pay the 20 Ringgit fine).  Due to the recent heavy rain the fairways were ‘boggy’ in places but generally in reasonable condition and the greens although not the best were very acceptable.   2 points separated the top 5 scores with Barry on 33, Allan and Richard on 34, Glen and Peter on 35 points. Peter was the eventual winner OCB over Glen who had a magnificent front 9 scoring 21 points.

As a few players couldn’t make lunch it was decided to complete the Kundang Lakes experience by having a quick lunch at the ‘club’ which was attend by all players,washed down with cans of beer.  As usual Peter’s lunch was the first to arrive despite playing in the second flight and ordering well after the first flight.  Glen again told us in his normal fashion that his fried rice was too spicy to eat therefore he only ate the fried egg. The cost per head was MYR 100 for the golf, buggy, bottle of water and bottle of 100 plus each, meal and beers.  Must still be one of the best value for money courses. It was also noted by the first group that Barry ‘Versace' Sage is starting to become a Fashion Guru matching his pink top with his pink tee, maybe we will see him in pink shorts and pink shoes in the near future. Next weeks game will be at Bukit Beruntung.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Most Improved Player 2015

Based on players' handicaps from beginning of 2015 until end of 2015 I did an analysis to determine the "Most Improved" player of 2015. Results included players who had played most of the year and had enough data to use and is tabulated below:

Name H/C Jan 2015 H/C Dec 2015 % improvement
Peter Davies 30 22 36.4
Hans Berger 21 19 10.5
Allan McNicoll 22 20 10.0
Mike Smith 23 21 9.5
Henrik Moller 24 22 9.1
Brian Stubbs 25 23 8.7
Iain Wise 23 22 4.5
Robert Mulliss 32 31 3.2
Barry Sage 18 18 0.0
Geoff McLaws 8 8 0.0
Graham Cadman 27 27 0.0
Jeff Pearce 21 21 0.0
Stuart Taylor 14 14 0.0
Zak Zainal 17 17 0.0
Erol Akinci 22 23 -4.3
Tony Morris 18 19 -5.3
Glen Wombwell 28 30 -6.7
Andrew Robinson 22 24 -8.3
Cameron McAinsh 20 24 -16.7
Paul Geddes 13 16 -18.8

So the clear winner and our Most Improved Player of 2015 is Peter Davies with an incredible 36.4% improvement from a handicap of 30 down to 22. Congratulations Peter .... if you continue at the same rate by end this year your handicap will be 14!

Friday, January 8, 2016

KRTU - 8th January 2016

Our first game of 2016 was at our old favourite KRTU which lived up to its usual reputation of being a tough "commando" course as reflected in most of the scores. We had 3 full flights this morning and headed at at just after 8:30 am. It was a clear day and by the 2nd nine was certainly very hot and sticky. Course conditions were good and we were all back at the clubhouse by 1pm for lunch and cold beers on the terrace.


We had only one player who broke his handicap this week and that was our winner of the day Glen Wombwell with a great round of 38 points (100 gross) Runner up was Tony Morris with 32 points and best gross of the day was Stuart Taylor with 92. Full results below:

Rotten Egg Award

We did not have any Rotten Egg Award this week and there has been some discussion about taking this away ... it's difficult to manage and sometime provokes a lot of rather silly nominations. We will discuss this among the founder members and decide if we wish to continue this. However we will be administering an automatic fine for late comers as an incentive to be at the club on time and not hold up all others ...... this will be an automatic RM20 to go into the pot for lunch for anyone not at registration by the allotted time.
