Friday, August 7, 2015

Seri Selangor - 7th August 2015

Seri Selangor was in great shape today and the greens were very good if not excellent - some very fast making it tricky. Weather was good but by 2nd nine it was hot and steamy. We had 11 Eggers today - it would have been 12 but Brian Stubbs called off as he thought he would have trouble getting home as he lives right in KLCC area where the city Grand Prix was taking place. The course proved difficult for most people with only one player beating their handicap.

After the game 8 of us had lunch at Pantai Seafood where they had a special lunch deal which was attractive.


The winner was Peter Davies with 38 points and a gross of 95 - well done Peter. Runner up was Cameron McAinsh with 35 points and a gross of 97. Best gross of the day was Richard Rodwell with an 89. Full results below:

Rotten Egg Award

We had a couple of nominations today; one for Jeff Pearce for not putting in his RM10 and disappearing with the scorecard (he showed up late for lunch and DID put in his money), and Mike Smith for leaving the game without paying his bet to the players he was playing with. Mike was duly awarded the coveted Rotten Egg for not paying his debts.


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