Friday, July 31, 2015

KRTU - 31st July 2015

We had 10 Eggers today at KRTU and although our tee times were 9:00, 9:10 and 9:30 we all got off at about 8:40 albeit from 2 different 9's. Weather conditions were good and the course was in pretty good condition .... which is more than we can say for some of our members by the end of the day.

Our 3 ball with Allan Wright, myself and Mike Smith got off to a bad start on the 3rd hole when Allan lost his prescription sunglasses .... but things got worse on the next hole. Driving up the buggy track I maneoevered our buggy slightly to allow Allan to pass and the wheels went over the edge of the track onto the slope resulting in my buggy getting grounded with back wheels spinning. Allan and Mike both assisted by pushing from the rear in an attempt to get the buggy over the edge ...... when it did go ... it went rather rapidly and as Mike was in full pushing mode he ended up taking a nose dive down the slope which was covered in some very large tree roots. As well as covering Mike's immaculate golf outfit in mud from top to toe his ribs were somewhat bruised and after struggling on the next few holes he retired after the 9th. Jackie Stewart was duly transferred to Allan's buggy and the round continued as a 2-ball.

We all finished by about 12:30 to 1pm and had lunch at the club with drinks kindly donated by Hendrik who will be leaving the fold for a while ... many thanks Hendrik and hope to see you return soon.


The winner today was Tony Morris (returning from a 4 week golf absence) with a respectable 37 points, runner up was Peter Davies with 36 points. Best gross of the day was Tony Morris with an 89. Full results below :

Rotten Egg Award

It was fairly obvious which way the nomination was going to go today and as predicted Stuart got the award for his reckless "Jackie Stewart style" buggy driving and causing an incident which caused harm to his fellow Egger. It must be said there were some other mentions including our poor injured player who was nominated for picking and cleaning himself whilst in the rough and not on the fairway and also for not putting his RM10 in the pot ........ anyway fair game Stuart graciously accepted the award this week.

However automatic Rotten Eggs have been awarded to Mike Smith, Robert Mulliss and Henrik Moller for arriving late at the club.


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