Friday, May 16, 2014

Results - Monterez Golf Club - 16th May 2014


We had 13 eggers today at Monterez, getting off to a start after early morning rain at around 8:20am with 3 x 3-balls and 1 x  4-ball starting from two tee boxes. Course conditions were good with the greens in good condition although a little dry on some. Playing off the whites tees the course played short and we expected some good scores today.

A welcome goes out to a new Egger, Andrew Barber, who joined us today and hello to Glen's guest John Underwood.

After the game 10 of us returned to the excellent Choong Foong Seafood Restaurant close to Monterez and on the road back to Subang airport for some great food washed down with Tigers and Carlsbergs ... and in my case a jug of watermelon juice!


We had 3 players on 40 points today but on count back the winner was Brian Stubbs with a score of 94 for 40 points. Second again on count back from Andrew Robinson (also with 40 points) was Erol Akinci with 90 for 40 points. Best gross of the day was Stuart Taylor with 85.

Rotten Egg Award

There were a number of nominations for Rotten Egg today ... Robert (of course) for being late again, Glen's guest John Underwood for hogging the entire bench in the changing room but the winner went to Erol Akinci for calling at 7:15 to say he could not find the course and was going home.... only to call again half an hour later to ask if we had registered as he had now found the course and wanted to play.


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