Friday, February 7, 2014

Results - KRTU - 7th February 2014


Navigation to the KRTU course seemed to be a problem for some this morning with the Wiggins Brothers, Kevin and Keith, missing the turn and heading to the Monterez direction. With the help of Glen who talked them through they made it to the club just in time. Ian Dickson also spent sometime circling the area until he eventually found his way to the club just in the nick of time, screeching to a halt as the other 6 players, all duly registered, were ready to head out. Robert Mulliss apparently did 4 full circuits of the Subang airport, the control tower at Subang was obviously alerted and a full emergency set of vehicles were on standby for his landing. He never landed .... and aborted his attempt to reach the club with an apologetic text sent at 9:30.

Anyway the remaining 7 players got off slightly after our allotted tee time of 8:20 and spent a very pleasant morning navigating the beautiful fairways and immaculate greens of KRTU. The course is in splendid condition, immaculately maintained and tremendous value for money. It was also relatively quiet so we were back in the clubhouse around 1pm+ for a very pleasant lunch and a few beers.

The winner of the day was the currently in-form Peter Davies who came in with a gross 99 and 38 points, 2nd was Kevin Wiggins with a gross 89 and 34 points. There was some discrepancies noted in the scores as recorded so these have been adjusted in the results after I cross checked them all. We welcomed our first guest player today - Kevin Wiggin's younger brother Keith, who just arrived from UK the evening before, joined us for the game and although he didn't play close to his handicap I'm sure he enjoyed the rather different playing conditions compared to Old Blighty.

Scores for FRID' EGGS games will be maintained on a weekly basis in a master spreadsheet and will be circulated to all members so they can track their performance .... or lack of! At present all handicaps will be calculated based only on our games with Loose Cannons, with the exception of Peter Davies who has not been playing with this group. If we feel we also want to start including the FRID' EGGS game results into the handicap calculations I can do this.

During the game we came up with an "egg oriented" penalty system (given the name of our group) whereby we can, on any game or outing, nominate a "Rotten Egg" for any type of golfing or behaviourial infraction by any member. This very first Rotten Egg Award goes of course to Robert Mulliss for his lack of geographical and navigational skills and failure to get to the club at all. After any member gets a total of 3 Rotten Egg Awards a penalty will be paid in the currency of all refreshments for all players at the next game. The spreadsheet maintained for all the scores and results will also compile the Rotten Egg Awards so we can monitor this much coveted award.


Rotten Egg Award

Member: Robert Mullis 
Infraction: Geographic/Navigation Failure to find the golf club and turn up for the game

During the game we came up with an "egg oriented" penalty system (given the name of our group) whereby we can, on any game or outing, nominate a "Rotten Egg" for any type of golfing or behaviourial infraction by any member. This very first Rotten Egg Award goes of course to Robert Mulliss for his lack of geographical and navigational skills and failure to get to the club at all. After any member gets a total of 3 Rotten Egg Awards a penalty will be paid in the currency of all refreshments for all players at the next game. The spreadsheet maintained for all the scores and results will also compile the Rotten Egg Awards so we can monitor this much coveted award.


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