Friday, September 18, 2015

Seri Selangor - 18th September 2015

If you ever get a little blasé or perhaps a little too cocky about your golf then it's time for a visit to Seri Selangor - this course will bring you down to earth. It is a tough and challenging course and one where most of our members do not score well. We had 7 Eggers today and we managed to get started just in front of a large group of brightly coloured ladies playing in a competition. Weather was good and the course was in good condition with the exception of the front 9 greens which had just been sanded and caused some putting consternation.

We finished by 12:30 then headed to Pantai Seafood for an excellent lunch. Stuart kindly sponsored the drinks to clear his balance of 3 Rotten Eggs and because of the money left over from registration plus some more in the kitty it was a free run for everyone else.


Glen Wombwell was our winner today with a very respectable 34 points on this tough course. Runner up was Zak Zainal with 32 points ocb from Hans Berger also with 32 points. Best gross of the day was Stuart Taylor with 91. Full results below :

Rotten Egg Award

None awarded this week.


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