Friday, May 8, 2015

Impian Golf & Country Club - 8th May 2015

It was a beautiful morning as 8 Eggers tee'd off from the second 9 of Impian Golf & Country Club at around just after 8:00am. It is always a delight to come back to this club as it is so well maintained with some great holes and excellent and interesting greens.

Conditions were good and some thought a good score may have been forthcoming, including myself who parred the first 3 holes, but in the end no-one scored better than their handicap. 

We lunched at the excellent Kenwell Seafood Restaurant after the game and much enjoyed by all 8 of us who attended.


We had 3 players all on 34 points but Robert Mulliss won on count back with 104 for 34 from Brian Stubbs with 100 for 34 and Hans Berger with 94 for 34. Best gross of the day was Stuart Taylor with 90. Full results below:

Rotten Egg Award

We had two nominations today; one for Brian Stubbs for playing Stuart Taylor's ball on the 8th hole (and losing it in the gully!) then playing his own ball and losing that also in the gully, and a second nomination for Tony Morris for disparaging remarks about all his playing partners' putts. Tony was voted the Rotten Egg of the day.


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