Friday, April 17, 2015

Amverton Cove - 17th April 2015

A perfect day at Amverton Cove with excellent weather and a course in great condition. We played off the blue tees as the whites are really quite short and this made some of the holes quite challenging. The greens were excellent with predictable putting. We got off at 8:00am sharp and with hardly anyone on the course we made good time and were all back by 12:30pm. 

After the game we had lunch at the usual Chinese seafood restaurant just at the bridge close to the club. With Andrew Robinson ordering we were in for a treat of seafood .... however we must remember and not to order the oyster omelette again!! Thanks again to Andrew for the drinks as his penance for 3 Rotten Egg Awards.


Some good scores today with the winner being Peter Davies with 39 points (gross 96). Runner up was Hans Berger with 38 points (gross 91). Best gross of the day was Stuart Taylor with an 84.

Full results below :

Rotten Egg Award

No award this week. Many thanks to Andrew Robinson for sponsoring the drinks today at lunch for his 3 Rotten Egg Awards - he is now back to zero!


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