Friday, November 14, 2014

Results - KGPA - 14th November 2014

Seven Eggers showed up this Friday for a leisurely start at KGPA around 9:00am. The Forest 9 was closed so we played Lake and Hills which were in great shape with some wet patches due to the heavy rain recently. Greens were in fine shape. WE finished by around 1:30 and then went to Jarrod & Rawlings for their special pork buffet with some much needed amber nectar.


This course always plays quite tough so there were no outrageous scores. Winner was Stuart Taylor with 34 points and best gross of the day of 87. Runner up on count back was Tony Morris with 33 points from Andrew Robinson also on 33 points. Full results below:

Rotten Egg Award

No award today although Mike Smith was in danger of getting a late award when we all paid for lunch after discussing the bill breakdown and split out in detail and Mike looks up from his phone eventually and asks what the damage was for lunch!


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