Friday, June 20, 2014

Results - Kinrara Golf Club - 20th June 2014

There were 7 of us for the FRID' Eggs Friday game - 6 regulars plus one guest (Karl Hutchison). Weather was good but very warm and humid. The course was in good condition and the greens very good. We played from the blue tees as the whites are very short - today the blue tees were way back so on some holes this made it a little more challenging.

Welcome to Mike Smith who played with the FRID' Eggs group for the first time. He was recovering from dengue fever and although he played at Loose Cannons last Tuesday with no problem by the end of the round today he was struggling!


The winner today was Jeff Pearce with a good score of 87 giving him 42 points. Roger McGowan shot a tremendous gross 90 off his declared handicap of 28 giving hime 45 points - but as he as yet has no official handicap he cannot win. Second was Stuart taylor with  84 for 38 points. Full results below.

Rotten Egg Award

Today's Rotten Egg Award went unaminously to Allan McNicoll on two counts - 1) choosing the venue as Kinrara as he was unable to play at KGPA as he had no passport and 2) for asking for a ball marker from Stuart Taylor on the 1st green after receiving a gift of a ball marker from him the day before. 


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