Friday, April 11, 2014

Results - Danau Golf Club - 11th April 2014

I remember playing Danau many years ago and recall it being tough. It has not changed! It is indeed a challenging course with thick cow grass fairways and greens which on first impressions are slow but can be relatively quick. Luckily we elected to play off the white tees which in themselves were long ... if we  had played the blues we may still have been out there hacking our way round!

We had 2 flights of Eggers today and we got off at around 8am on a humid and hot morning on the back 9. One of our flight members took till the third green to start putting having lost balls on the first two holes. 

The course has some interesting holes but on the whole I would call the course "agricultural" ... interesting and challenging to play but not a course to rush back to.

We played the 1st 9 last and experienced the incredible hole no 2  with its small landing fairway plateau and ridiculously high green - I of course ended up in the deep valley to the right never to find my ball but did find the skeletons of at least 3 lost golfers! The 3rd hole is also of interest with a high tee and a green surrounded by many bunkers. Luckily I managed to drop a 7 iron shot right next to the pin and sunk it for a birdie ... so made up for the previous blob on hole no 2.

By the time we finished we were all exhausted with the steep inclines and the high humidity. WE had a snack lunch at the clubhouse before retiring to KL.

Winner of the day (on count back from myself ... gggrrrrrr) was Peter Davies who shot a gross of 102 with 34 points, myself with gross 89 and 34 points. Full results detailed below.

Rotten Egg Award

We were at first very unforthcoming on nominations for the Rotten Egg award but once Robert Mulliss fessed up to forgetting his bag at Kinrara last week and having to drive back to the club after reaching home we awarded the Rotten Egg to Robert ... not for forgetting his bag last week ... but for actually owning up to this over lunch today!



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